Saturday, November 10, 2018

Voice Search Optimization Tips | Marketing Strategy

Six Essential Tips For Voice Search Optimization

Here are six voice search optimization tips to set you up for marketing success in the years to come.

1. Understand the language.

There’s a difference in how people formulate voice searches versus how they construct text-based search queries. When you’re typing something into a search engine, you’re likely stringing keywords together and most sites are optimized for that type of search. Think “Italian food San Diego.”

But when you’re talking to a human-sounding machine, like Alexa or Siri, you’re likely to address it the way you would a human being -- in complete sentences. For example, you might ask your device, “Where can I find the best spaghetti alla puttanesca near me?”

This means Italian restaurants (and every other sort of business out there) need to optimize their content for this new type of search by including more long-tail keywords and complete sentences that answer specific questions.

2. Be conversational.

Piggybacking on the use of complete sentences is the growing importance of conversational language. The user asking their voice device a question is likely using a fairly conversational tone, and your site needs to respond in a similar fashion.

In fact, Google tells its raters to evaluate voice search results by how well the spoken response answers a user’s query, as well as how it sounds. And believe me, you don’t want your content to sound like a machine wrote it! There are other factors involved in the rating, including grammatical correctness and length, but these are the two biggest ones you need to keep in mind when optimizing your website for voice search.

3. Optimize content for answering questions.

What’s your No. 1 reason for using the internet -- aside from looking up memes and cute cat videos? Most of the time, you’re probably searching for information. As stated above, those using voice search are more likely to use some form of long-tail keyword phrase or question.

To capitalize on this growing trend, you’ll need to collect as many questions about your industry as possible, then do your best to answer those questions across all your marketing channels. The more voice-optimized content you have on those channels, the more likely they are to get picked up by search engines and fed through voice search devices.

SEO Tips For 2019

4 SEO Tips to Start the New Year Off Right

One of the most vital things you can do to boost your SEO in 2019 is to plan ahead. When it comes time to deliver content, you don’t want to jump in when everyone else is getting clicks and mining popular keywords for rank.

The sooner you write targeted content, the more likely it is to rank when that topic becomes relevant. Have you ever noticed before new games and movies come out you’ll often see a ton of articles about the topic?

Let’s look at the latest blockbuster game – Red Dead Redemption 2. It launched for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on October 26, 2018, and grossed a stunning $750 million in 3 days — making it the second highest 3-day sales on an entertainment product ever, according to Fortune.

It was predicted that Red Dead 2 was going to do this well. Months before it released articles popped up along the lines of “10 Things We Want from Red Dead Redemption 2.” The goal? When this inevitable “boom” happened, these content creators wanted to be ahead of the game. They used the keywords “Red Dead Redemption 2” before anyone else so that they could rank high once the game released.

Plan ahead for all of your content. Write a few holiday articles months in advance, make sure you’re always a couple of months ahead of the trend if you want to rank going into 2019.

Social Media Marketing Strategy | Tyson Zahner

SEO Tips For Your Business | Neil Patel